Thursday, August 3, 2023


You have to walk through some muddy water to get to the walk! Ayla, Kyra, Toby and Steffi walked through in their shoes!

There are beautiful views around every corner!

You go alongside a river for the whole walk.

There are fantastic palm trees everywhere!

Kyra and Ayla keeping their feet cool in the refreshing water!

We all swim in the first part of the river where it's deep enough!

There's also lots of fish.

Miya taking her bag off for a swim!

You have to hold your bags above your head and then pass them onto this rock for this part. 

We clamber up the impressive gorge!

Beautiful clear water!

It's Ayla and Kyra's first time putting their shoes on in the water!

There are lots of magical vines hanging, too!

There's a bit of a dangerous part where we had to climb up the rock next to a small waterfall!

We climb through the gorge where it is hidden from the sun.

We get to the top of the gorge where there is a nice waterfall.

We all sit under it for a photo!

Going back down the dangerous bit!

We stopped for some well-deserved lunch!

We got to the part where we had to pass the bags down the rock and then all had a turn jumping in!

Amazing green palm fronds and ferns!

Someone going through the crossing in their car!


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