Friday, August 4, 2023


We went to Zebedee Springs which was a nice temperature and not too hot.

There is a waterfall which is nice to sit under!

It was very relaxing. We recommend it to anyone who wants to chill in warm water in amazing scenery!

A bigger, cooler pool at the bottom.

The view of red cliffs from the path leading to Zebedee Springs.

A cormorant bird on the Amalia Gorge walk.

We start off on the walk in Amalia Gorge, telling each other stories.

A part with a chain and a bit of a drop.

Stunning views of the lake and rocky red cliffs.

Fish live here - some are quite big!

We swim to the other side of the lake and then swim back for lunch.

A view of the Gorge above - can you see Miya?

We got to Amalia Falls.

We went for a swim and clambered up onto the rocks where the falls are.

Going back down one of the rock climbing parts.

We swim in another pool on the way back.

Ayla jumping in from a ledge!

After Amalia Gorge, we drive to Emma Gorge to walk there. Kyra hurt herself so she and tired Miya sit in a cafe while Ayla, Toby, Stef and David do the walk.

Starting off on the Emma Gorge walk.

We get to the falls and have a dip.

On the way down, we stopped at a gorgeous blue pool.

David and Stef going for a swim together.

Ayla told stories to Toby on the Emma Gorge walk.

1 comment:

  1. Zebedee springs and the gorges look so beautiful. I am enjoying your blog. Great photos. Jon
